Hello, Woman’s Club of Wenonah Members!
There is so much happening as things heat up (literally and figuratively) here in Wenonah! I have attached the July newsletter that you can read online or open and print out as a PDF if you wish.
Here is a quick list of important news and dates to know. Important stuff:
ICYMI: The Woman's Club of Wenonah won FIRST PLACE for our parade entry in the 4th of July Parade this year! What a way to kick off our yearlong celebration of 100 years of the WCW, right? You can see some pictures and video snippets from the parade on the website: https://www.womansclubofwenonah.org/post/cheers-to-100-more-years
August 31 - WCW Wednesday Wine Down Social – (hosted at Vicki McCall's house – more details to come!)
September 10 - Second Annual Dinner Under the Moon (5-8 pm ET) – purchase tickets here!
September 12 (7:30 pm ET) - Monthly meeting featuring the author of "No Thanks, I'm Good: Saying No to Anxiety and Reclaiming Your Power" Maria Sarnatora – Wenonah Train Station/Jack Sheppard Community Center
Farmers Market volunteers are still needed! Our 2022 Farmers Market season has been a great success. As the market has grown, so has our need for volunteers. There are all kinds of volunteer roles, some really easy to do! Please review the Market Volunteers 2022 sheet and sign up if you can. https://bit.ly/wcwmarket. – Thank you for your support!
Did you know the Woman's Club of Wenonah website has been updated and now has a blog! Be sure to check out the new look here: https://www.womansclubofwenonah.org/
October 6-9 - The General Federation of Women's Clubs Middle Atlantic Region Annual Conference is from Thursday, October 6, to Sunday, October 9 in Albany, NY. Registration forms and the Conference agenda will be found shortly on the njsfwc.org website. If you'd like more information about this or would be interested in exploring attending the meeting with others in the WCW, please email womansclubofwenonah@gmail.com.
Sign up for the NJSFWC weekly eConnection - either on the NJSFWC website or send your email to NJSFWC.hq@gmail.com requesting you be added to the list. Get the latest news, suggestions, and information weekly.
Our programs are held on the 2nd Monday of the month from September - May. Monthly meetings are typically held at the Wenonah Train Station/Jack Sheppard Community Center. Attendance is not required for club membership.
Thank you for your continued support! KiKi -- KiKi L'Italien, she her, hers Woman's Club of Wenonah, President 2022-2024