WCW's special state project for the Emmanuel Cancer Center is being lead by Carol Ann Wesh. Please sign up on the project sheet if you would like to hear more about this important project or assist the team, go to https://bit.ly/wcw2022
Jeanne Grigri is taking the lead on the Environmental Committee. Please sign up on the project sheet if you would like to hear more about this exciting committee or assist the team, go to https://bit.ly/wcw2022
It's not too early to prepare for the annual WCW holiday luminaries! Suzanne has 4000 luminary bags that need to be folded/cuffed. But that's just the first step in this fun, festive activity. Please sign up on the project sheet if you would like to hear more about this project or assist the team, go to https://bit.ly/wcw2022
Women Building Dreams is collecting non-perishable Thanksgiving food from Oct 15 – Nov 15. This drive is being organized by Juli Delany; drop off non-perishables at 206 E Poplar St (porch).